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Sunday, September 1, 2013

Quiet in church (SHUT UP!)

This morning I went to church for the first time in 2 months. I had planned on going to some kind of service once a week this year, but I haven't been able to do that. I haven't found a week day service I like yet. I am still looking!
Horses eating
 I went to church this morning with Sarah. That is twice since the divorce that Sarah has gone to church with me!
I am very proud of my daughter and the time I spend with her I always cherish. She will never realize how happy she makes me just when she is with me. We went to one of the largest churches I know in the area. The church we last went to has a basketball team, this church has a basketball league. We sat in the middle section about 5 rows from the back. There were 4 women behind us talking in loud voices before the service started. There is a clock in the front church above the alter that counts down the minutes before the service starts. When we got to our seats there were only 4 minutes before on the countdown clock.
Coke (diet) driving to my house!!
These 4 ladies in the back seemed to get louder as the time was counting down. The service started with some guy coming on the screen making announcements on things that were going on in the church that week. As the guy was talking, and the lights were going down, the ladies got louder. The orchestra and choir started singing and the ladies had to yell at each other. Twice I turned around and gave them the "eye". They looked behind themselves, where only the TV camera was, and kept talking ... both times. I wanted to stand up and yell SHUT UP! They finally got quiet when the congregation started singing.
San Francisco Bay!
It reminded me of the time I was in Korea and a couple of teachers were complaining of when they went to Wendy's and the management turned up the music. They were worried that the music was turned up because they were speaking English. WAKE UP! They probably turned up the music because of all the "evil eyes" everyone was giving them were being ignored. They didn't realize that their voices were very loud and it was disturbing everyone else in the restaurant.
Cute little house with big gate
The message this morning was on Romans 12:2, "Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will." This church has an outline of the message on the back of the bulletin and it is nice to follow along. The minister was very good in guiding us through the message. 
Someone in SF asked me to take pictures of the sky!
He emphasized that God's will doesn't have degrees, you with follow it or you don't. It reminded me of my favorite bible verse, Proverbs 16:33, "33The lot is cast into the lap; but the whole disposing thereof is of the Lord." I hope Sarah goes with me next Sunday. I don't know which church we will go to, we may go to a third one. As I was taking her today I was thinking it would be nice if she was getting the idea of how she can look around for different churches when she goes to college. I keep telling her how I liked going to church in college because they had free food for the college group on Sunday nights!!
someone else told me to take pictures of flowers.

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