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Sunday, September 22, 2013

Acknowledge Receipt

Many fires in California
I have a new boss, I think. I have been working for the boss of the recruiters, but I just learned that boss has a boss (which is a new position). I met the lady last week. It was really nice meeting her and she had never heard of me. I have told my other boss, of the company I who has the contract I work for (if this sounds confusing to you it is confusing to me too) that there is a new military boss. I really didn't have to do that since no one knows what I do nor who I work for. The hardest thing for me is to get resources to do my job. When I go on overnight trips I need to request approval from my military boss.
Training guide dogs in SF
Now is the problem, with my old boss I just sent him a quick short email and he would send me back a one line email that approved my request. The new "boss" isn't so quick. I have sent her a few emails and she never acknowledges receipt of my emails. Not only do I not hear that she received my email I also don't get an approval for my trip. I usually don't know about my trips very far in advance so it was nice when I got an immediate approval of my requests. I just think it is poor etiquette when someone emails a request and the other people doesn't even acknowledge receipt.
SF is beautiful when it has blue skies
The same thing is good etiquette in text messaging. Have you ever sent a person a text message and you don't hear anything back? I don't know if it is only people I know, but I get really irritated when I never hear back from a text I send. Whether it is my children, my coworkers or my friends I think it is rude not to give a quick text back. It is like the people that don't answer their phones when you call and even when you leave a message they don't respond. It gets down to doing the right thing. I wish everyone I knew would just let me know they got the email or the text or the phone call even if it is to say they got mine and will respond with more information later.
Driving across the new Bay Bridge.

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