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Monday, September 16, 2013

I don't have a Clue

Jayne and Lindsey in hanboks
When Jayne and Sarah were younger, in Middle School and Elementary school they would come over to my house every other weekend. I decided on that schedule after talking to my nephew Erik about his experience with divorced parents. He told me he hated Wednesdays because that was the day he switched houses. He had to be sure to get all the stuff he needed to go to his other parent's house. He felt like he didn't have a home since he spent half of his time in one house and the other half in another house. After hearing him say that I decided to have my kids come to my house only every other weekend rather than 50% of the time. It has been very hard on my financially since the amount I have to pay their mother depends on the amount of time they spend with each of us. I live only 7 minutes away so they always knew they could call me if they needed rides for anything.
Monterey at sunset
When they first came over all 3 came, but after a while Lindsey decided she didn't want to come any more. When they came I tried to do things I used to do with my family so we had a few board games to play with. Jayne, Sarah, and I enjoyed playing Clue. I was amazed that Jayne would usually win, at least 90% of the time. I enjoyed the game and rather than the two girls try to beat me, Sarah and I would try to beat Jayne. It got really frustrating and soon it lost its draw since Sarah and I knew we would never win. I always asked Jayne how she did it and she just looked at me and said she did nothing special. When she graduated from college I again asked her how she always won in Clue.
She looked at me with a puzzled look and said, "Dad, you always played like a child!". She was so surprised I didn't know. She thought I was letting her win. Americans play board games a lot because it helps us develop strategy skills and helps us teach children. Jayne never realized that I was learning from her. I hope Jayne realizes her amazing skill and finds a way to use this ability she has in a worthy business undertaking. I have always suggested she look into working for the CIA as an analyst. I think out country needs her!!
Sea Otter

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