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Saturday, September 28, 2013

First Lasts

This year will be a year of many lasts for me. My three daughters have all gone to the same high school. My youngest daughter is a senior this year so as the year progresses she will do many things for the last time for all my family. This week was homecoming at the high school and it was the last time I will go the night before to help, or watch, them work on floats. Last night I went to the Homecoming football game and it is the last time I will go to a Homecoming game that I have kids in the school.
I guess it isn't the first last, she went to the sunrise for her first day of her senior year last month and that was the first last to begin the school year. But, for me this was the first last. Soon I will get the last senior portrait and then it will be the last Halloween that I have school kids and then it will  be the last Christmas Formal. The lasts will last all year until my last high school graduation that I will have one of my children in. This is a happy and a sad time for me. I am happy for my daughter, it helps her realize how much she is growing up. I am sad for me because it makes me realize how much she is growing up.
I don't worry about me growing old, I worry if I prepared my daughter for what she will face in the future. My older two daughters seem to be doing good. I hope my youngest daughter will follow in their footsteps. It has been 5 years since the middle daughter graduated from high school and I hope this one is able to go through college as smoothly. They are all 3 different and have their own strengths and weaknesses. Life has different curves for everyone. We all need to deal with life in our own way and we can't depend on anyone else to guide us second by second. All my kids know I am there is they need me.
This is also a year of firsts. Sarah is the first of the daughters to be in the homecoming court, as an escort. Sarah is the first to have so many college units when she graduates high school (through AP tests and college courses she has taken during her high school years). She will have many first and many lasts this year. She will have many downs, like she wasn't voted as one of the Homecoming Princesses, and many ups. I think every parent needs to be sure the children know they are first in their life and will always be first. I think that is why I'm still single, I need to put my primary focus on my kids until the youngest graduates from high school.

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