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Friday, January 24, 2014

Day 10 – Day at Sea – Preparing to enter the Panama Canal

Today I’m not sick at all. I had no excuse not to go to the gym so I got up at 8am and went to the gym. There were only a few people there and lots of people doing yoga. I spent 30 minutes in the gym then went down and got showered and dressed and went to breakfast. I was upset at myself for not weighing myself, I hope I haven’t been gaining a pound a day. All of the lectures today were about going through the Panama Canal. At 10 I went to the beginning bridge lessons and Mike and David showed up to. I was very glad to see them and they said their wives were in the lecture about going through the canal, which I watched on TV later in the day. That lesson was interesting and then I slipped over to the salsa lesson. It was nice that there were 5 women and 3 men. That was so different from where I usually dance at where there are always more men than women. I danced with one of the ladies I had met at Dancing With the Stars and she was wondering which of the ladies was my wife. I told her I was divorced and she was surprised. I felt like saying if I was married why would I dance with someone other than my wife! I guess I should have asked her which of the men there was her husband. It was fun and I learned 2 moves I didn’t know before and then I went back to my stateroom and watched some TV while I put my previous 2 day blogs on the website. In the afternoon was Dancing With the Stars again and they were doing the Samba. I have never lived the Samba so I really did just go to watch. Many women and only 4 men, so I tried for a while. I gave up and sat and watched. During the competition they only found one man to try to dance with the stars so everyone was so happy they had him win. I was happy for him because there is no way I would have gone on the stage with the samba. Most the rest of the day I was watching the television shows about how they made the canal and what we can expect to see as we go through it. After a while I got bored with it and tried to find something else to do. In the evening I got dressed nicely and my mom and I ate dinner. We then went to the variety show and then we went down and I helped her get on the internet for a while. After that I went to the casino and watched the men win lots of money playing blackjack. I was hoping to play, but I remember the last time I sat in on a table that was winning and it then started to lose. I just watched. I then went up to the nightclub to listen to the music and no one else was up there so I didn’t stay. I went to the 10:30 pm movie and it was Rush, which was very good. As I walked out I heard some ladies laughing and I walked into the showroom and watched the kitchen staff dancing on the stage. It was fun to watch them! Today was a nice day and it is wonderful not being sick any more. As I write this around midnight we have already started going into the bay in Panama right before the canal. We are supposed to be going through the first locks at 8am so that should be interesting and lots of opportunities for pictures. We should be coming out of the last locks around 3:30. This will be the first time I have been around the Atlantic for 30 years. I am excited!!

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