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Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Day 13 – TV at Sea

Today was another sea day. It was really rough and the ship seemed like it was rolling all day. I woke up early enough to go to the gym, but wasn’t motivated enough. I got up and had a late breakfast and then went to beginning bridge lessons. I got to bridge and found out I was an hour late so I had to listen to the end of the lesson. It seems so easy except the bidding and how you are telling your partner every card in your hand by what you bid. I will figure it out sometime I guess. I then sat in on the talk about Rum Running in the Caribbean. I guess the interesting thing I got out of it was rum is a by-product of making granulated sugar and they moved the processing up to New England because they had enough wood to burn up there rather than the Caribbean. It was an interesting talk then I went to watch some television. TV on board is not too bad. Two channels are activities that have gone on during our voyage on ship, two channels are ESPN, there is a cartoon channel, a kid’s program channel, there are a couple of movie channels and TBN, with Spanish sub-titles. I watched TV for a while then went to the contest for TIC TAC PUTT. I don’t play golf, but I did pretty good in the putting competition. Mike and I were on the same team and out team lost. I wanted a pin so I asked the Show Host, Jeremy, for one and he gave me one. I went to go watch some more TV until Dancing With the Stars was presented. I was fairly sure I would be picked today since it was the last day and they had 2 women and 1 man already and I was the only man to participate in the cha cha lesson. It was fun and my “Star” was Robin who is one of the singers in the show. She was very nice and was very helpful to me when I danced with her on stage. WE WON!! It was fun and interesting! We have good chemistry and it will be fun to dance with her in the final competition! I know we won’t win, since the first woman that won the competition was very very good. I just don’t want to make a big fool of myself. After I won they took me being the stage to interview me for the show. It was really awkward and I didn’t interview well. I guess I don’t know how to be funny. They interviewer asked me why I was wearing the pin and I told him I won it during the putting competition and he asked how my golfing was going to help me with the dancing competition. I couldn’t tell him that I lost in the golfing competition so I would probably lose in the dancing competition so I told him it helped calm my nerves so I wouldn’t be nervous dancing with the pretty girls. Oh well, I don’t interview well. I am wondering if I should buy the CD of on board activities. After the dancing I watched television again and then went to go eat with family. At the beginning of the meal my mom spilled her wine on me and I had to go change my clothes. My mom was upset that they didn’t try to clean up the spilled wine and didn’t clean up my chair and didn’t even get her more wine. After dinner they complained to the Matr'e D and he had the ship people clean my clothes for me. After dinner Betsy, David, Sue, Mike and I played hearts. I guess they have been playing every evening after dinner, but this is the first time they invited me. I think I usually disappear quickly and they don’t get a chance to invite me. I won and am not sure they will invite me again L. I had a good day.

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