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Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Day 15 – The Best Job in the World! – Half Moon Cay (Bahamas)

Today was WONDERFUL! I’m writing this at 7:30 pm    because everything will change at 9:30 when the finals for Dancing with the Stars are happening. I am dancing second, so I will write about that later tonight. I got up at 6:30 this morning and got dressed then went for breakfast. Walking to breakfast I passed the other couple that was in my beginning bridge class and told them what had happened at the bridge game yesterday. They had a brother and sister-in-law that were in that room and they told me the brother had told them the story and thought it was all made up and didn’t believe I had never played bridge before. HAHA! After breakfast I went to where I was supposed to get more information about horseback riding today and the lady really confused me. I told her I was signed up for the first horseback riding and she told me I wasn’t. I started to get stressed out and showed her my ticket and she then apologized telling me she thought I had come through the door employees use and she thought I was an employee. Not a good way to start the day. I got on the little boat that was taking us from the ship to the island and was amazed at the color of the water. The guy next to me said it perfectly when he said it looked like, “Disney Water”. I totally agreed that the water looked like some perfect color made up for a Disney film. It took about 5 minutes to get into the island and then we got off and waited for the truck to take us horseback riding. What we did was:
Bahamas –Horseback Riding by Land & Sea 

Saddle up for the horseback riding experience of a lifetime! After a short tram ride to the corral you'll receive an orientation before setting out on a ride along winding trails up to the highest point on the island for a panoramic view of Half Moon Cay and the surrounding islands before you continue along the bay, back to the corral. Enjoy a refreshment as your horse is "dressed" for swimming in a special saddle pad and a rope halter (no saddle), then you'll venture into the ocean for the sensation of riding a horse while it's swimming.
We were all given horses and helmets and off we went. 13 riders and 3 great trail guides. The walking was all on beach sand and the horses were very good. I enjoyed being with this group and we went at a good pace. After riding for about 30 minutes we got back to where we started and they had us dress in our swimsuits. They put the horses in a different saddle with no stirrups and a handle to hold onto on the saddle. We were in a line as we walk into the water and then the horses go out as far as they could still walk and the water was up over the saddle. Then the guides had our horses run and we learned why the saddles hand a handle on it. It was hard to stay balanced, but the water was helping us stay on. It was FUN! The horses were running into each other and everyone was hanging on so they didn’t fall off. Then I took the truck back to the place we began. I ran into Mom, Sue, Betsy, Mike, and David there and still had my swimsuit on. Once I took off my shirt and shoes they didn’t go back on until I left the island. Everyone else went their own way and I went down to the water. I wanted to swim in the ocean since I’m not able to at home in Monterey, CA. I had my goggles so I swam for about an hour up and down the outer parts of the swimming area. It was great to swim in the ocean and it seemed saltier than the ocean water I know back home. After swimming for a while I went for my jet ski adventure. What I did was:
Aqua Trax Adventure –

Experience Half Moon Cay from the natural inner saltwater lagoon on a guided personal watercraft adventure. After a short tram ride, you'll arrive at the safety briefing area and have time to get used to your personal sit-on watercraft. Depart single file with a lead guide and another guide bringing up the rear. Traveling along the picturesque shoreline of the island you'll navigate around the natural reef formations, inlets, islands and sand spits before stopping for an ice-cold bottle of water. Buoyed courses will allow you to test your watercraft skills. With your guide, you'll briefly stop at the tidal outlet, the Indian village and Stingray Cove
When I got there I learned I was the only one signed up to do it at that time. It was me and the guide driving around on jet skis. I just followed him and we had the best time of my life! We started out slowly and I figured out how to control it then we went around the calm cove then he took me out to the big ocean and we went to the ship then over to the swim area and back. Outside the cove the water was rough and I was flying through the air. I learned so much. When I was losing my balance I had to steer the opposite way or I would just be going in a circle. The ride was about 40 minutes and I will never forget that ride. I think that guide has the best job in the world. They pay him to ride around on the waves all day. I want that job!!

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