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Monday, July 15, 2013

George Zimmerman killed Trayvon Martin

One of the biggest stories in the news today is that George Zimmerman was found not guilty of murdering Trayvon Martin. It wasn't found that he didn't kill him, it was found that he was not guilty of murder. There are riots because he was not found guilty. The rioters are not looking at whether he broke the law, they just look at if he did something smart or not smart. Not smart is being active in a Community Watch Program and when you find someone in your neighborhood that looks like they don't belong. Not smart is continuing to follow that person and keeping an eye on him while he is in your neighborhood. Smart is walking away when it looks like there might be trouble. Smart is notifying the police then going home, even though you have a Community Watch Program in your neighborhood and you know the police will never come to your neighborhood because it isn't a rich area and the police have better things to do. So, when this guy cuts through yards you want to keep an eye on him, so you know he leaves the neighborhood, and so you get out of your car which is not smart. You continue to follow him and then he confronts you and you start yelling him and he yells at you, not smart. He hits you and you fall to the ground and this strange guy in the neighborhood gets on top of you and starts pounding your head on the concrete so you pull out your gun and fire it into the man so he quits hitting you, not smart. So, if they George Zimmerman was on trial for being stupid he would have been found guilty, but not for murder. ( )
Surprise Valley, CA
What really upsets me is all this national attention for a guy that is on trial because he shot someone that was pounding his head on the concrete and no national attention for the men that are on trial for gang raping a 16 year old girl for 2 hours during a high school football game. ( If black teens attack other black teens it isn't interesting enough to get national attention. If a mob watches a girl get raped and people take pictures and call their friends to come join the rape that doesn't warrant national attention. I just think rape is a horrendous crime on the same level as murder.
I think that is my biggest problem with everyone being so upset about the verdict in the George Zimmer case. There are so many other things to get upset with and people are out demonstrating about a man being stupid. I don't see people demonstrating about a high school that has a rape for 2 hours on campus during a football game. There aren't people demonstrating about the football players that raped the girl in the high school in Saratoga and then committed suicide. People get upset about race relations and don't worry about athletes raping students or about black on black violence because that is so common.
One girl I know says she is so ashamed of the verdict of George Zimmerman that she doesn't want to live in this country, even though this was a state of Florida case not a US government case. In the riots they are burning American flags and even California flags even though the case found a man not guilty of murder. I get tired of this one sided righteousness by people that think they are better than the normal America!
Deer in someone's backyard!

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