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Wednesday, July 17, 2013

George Zimmerman MURDERED Trayvon Martin

A few days ago I wrote that Mr. Martin was killed by Mr. Zimmerman. I talked to a friend today and I am changing my mind. I think I got so upset that this was making so many people in this country were so emotional at the outcome of this trial. I was more prejudiced about the people that were upset at this one trial that I automatically argued against them. I talked to a friend of mine today, who happens to be an African American (as he wants to be called). I like this guy and respect his way of thinking. I asked him what he though about the case and he had a different view than I did. I had previously thought:
Old schoolhouse

 George Zimmerman was active in a Community Watch Program and he found someone in his neighborhood that looked like they didn't belong. He continued to follow that person and kept an eye on him while he was in the neighborhood. He notifed the police then when this guy cuts through yards he wanted to keep an eye on him, so he would know he leaves the neighborhood, and so he got out of your car. He continued to follow him and then Mr. Martin confronted Mr. Zimmerman and you started yelling him and he yells back. Mr. Martin hit Mr. Zimmerman and he fell to the ground and this Mr. Zimmerman got on top of him and started pounding his head on the concrete so Mr. Zimmerman pulled out your gun and fired it into the man so he quit hitting him, killing him.

My friend pointed out things, unemotionally, that I had been trying to figure out too. But he was able to put this all into a different scenario. What if everything was the same until Mr. Zimmerman gets our of the car. When he gets out of the car he approaches the whole thing with an attitude of showing the stranger that he is not good enough to be in the neighborhood. As he gets out of his car he doesn't just put the gun into him pocket but he holds onto it in his pocket, expecting trouble. When he is confronted by Mr. Zimmerman he yells back at him to get the hell out of HIS neighborhood. Mr. Martin hits him and he hits his head on the sidewalk. There is a struggle and he gets up and pulls out the gun. There is a recording of a person yelling for help in long words, not short words like he is desperate to get out of a persons grasp, but long words like he is calling out to other people to get their attention. Then there is a gunshot. If Mr. Zimmerman was under Mr. Martin when he shot him he would be covered with blood, but he wasn't. If he was standing when he shot then he had no reason to shoot, he had no reason to think his life was in danger. 

There are many trials a day in the U.S. and the verdict is often wrong. I think it was wrong at this time also. We need to move on and make sure this doesn't happen in the future. 

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