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Friday, October 25, 2013

Perfect teeth

When I was a Sophomore in college I got a ride home for Thanksgiving with a high school friend and his sister. I was riding in the back seat of their car and I was holding onto the seat belt. At that time we were not required to wear our seat belts so most people didn't. As I was holding onto the seat belt which was attached to the wall behind the driver's seat it came off and broke my tooth in half. I was in pain as well as shock that it had happened. The next day we went to the dentist, Dr. Slaughter, and he put a temporary crown on my tooth. A few weeks later I went back and got the permanent crown put on.
Even though that was 35 years ago I remember him centering the crown over my tooth then taking a big hammer and pounding that crown onto my tooth. It was really scary watching him do that, but it really didn't hurt. About 10 years later they had to do a root canal on that tooth since he didn't take out the root of the tooth. They drilled a hole in the back of the crown and took out the  root and filled in the hole. That was my front tooth and no one can ever tell it isn't my actual tooth. On very cold days that tooth gets cold to the touch which is the only time I notice it.
When I was in high school I had a consultation about getting braces. I have always hated my teeth and the back ones are really getting bad. The are almost laying down rather than straight up. I think it causes a lot of problems for me. The dentist told me at that time they would have to pull my four canine teeth and then I would be in braces for 3 years. I decided this was too much and I didn't do it. I have regretted that decision my whole life. I don't like my canine teeth and the braces would have been bearable to get the results I wanted.
While my three daughters were growing up their teeth were major concerns of mine as I thought about my teeth. My oldest daughter has always had fantastic teeth which she has been very proud of. The second daughter I didn't know about any problems, but one reason she is working in Korea now is to get braces which she is there. The youngest daughter needed braces when she was in 6th grade because her bottom teeth were cutting into her upper gums. This was a real financial hardship, but I am glad we did it. Now she is happy with her teeth and happy to smile for pictures or when she is happy. I think teeth are important for our looks!!

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