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Saturday, August 3, 2013

Everyone needs a Grandfather

I grew up without knowing either of my grandfathers. My kids grew up without knowing either of their grandfathers, even though my step-father did a great job in that role. I put my kids a priority of my life and want to be around for their kids. I think it is important that everyone has a grandfather in their life. Even if they live far away a grandfather is important.

I have often thought that if I had cancer or another disease that threatened my life I wouldn't fight it. I would let what happens happen. Lately I realize I need to be around for my grandchildren. I have a lot of lumps in my body, I always have. Over the years different doctors have cut out some to make sure they are not cancerous. They have never hurt before, just been a nuisance. Yesterday I realized I have a new lump, and it is really hurting.
It hurts! I didn't hit it.
 I have a doctors appointment on Monday to see what it is. Lets hope the pain goes away soon and I find out it is just a bug bite.I need to make sure my grandkids have a grandfather. I had always thought that if I got sick I wouldn't fight to survive, but now I know what I need to stay alive for.

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