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Sunday, March 9, 2014

Sons and Daughters

Today I cleaned up around the house in the morning and then worked at the softball tournament. Working at the tournament was great since I was able to spend a few hours with my daughter. Those are the times that I really enjoy this year. Sarah's last year in high school is different than my other daughters' last years. With Sarah she is sharing things with me as she goes through things. The other daughters didn't tell me about things until after they happened. Sarah tells me things as they are happening.
After spending a few hours with Sarah I met my friend friend who is a single mom and has a son. We went to a park and go KFC. I always have a blanket in my car so we spread that out on the grass and feasted. Then William convinced me to go play kickball with him. We kicked the ball around, well I kicked it and he want running after it! We then went over to the playground and I told him which rock to jump off and he did it eagerly :). We then went down to the lake and he climbed on the bridge up and down and wore himself out.
Then we went over to my house and William and I played a war video game. He had a lot of fun and his mom went to sleep. William dozed off and I did some reports. It was nice to spend time with my friend, but maybe more fun to spend time with her son! People have always asked me if I ever wanted a son instead of my 3 daughters. I always answer that I never had a choice and I was happy with 3 daughters and didn't need a son to make me happy. It was fun to hang out with a young boy today, but I can't imagine living with a little boy all the time.
It is nice to be able to hang out with a little boy for a while and then give him back when he gets whinny. I am so proud of my kids and now that they are all adults I am enjoying watching them live their own lives. To me this is the best part of having kids, watching them be mature adults. Hanging out with the little boy today was wonderful and I hope I get a chance to do it again. I would not ever want to change having three daughters in my life, but it is fun to have a little boy to pal around with too.

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