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Sunday, August 4, 2013

Running down the streets of San Francisco

I finished! I got my medal, I got my gloves, I got my bobblehead, I got my shirt. I am ready for my next race. I am not happy with my time, 37 minutes, but I don't usually try for a fast time. Maybe towards the end of the year I will try to make 30 minutes again. Right now I'm just happy that I am still doing this and haven't given up!
This race was fun, it was running down a street I have driven on many times. 7000 people ran with me. I came in under 2000 so I am happy about that. I have run races where I was the last person, but everyone else that ran was under 30 years old.
SF Landmark
This was fun because many different things happened. We ran down one of the most popular streets in SF and there were a lot of us so some people wanted to cross the street and we were all running by. Some people got in our group and ran with us until they could get across. Some people were escorted by a police officer and walked slowly across, it was kind of funny to see.
Waiting to cross the street at the crosswalk.
It was cold during the run, and it is August. It was cold, but everyone was in high spirits. When we started they had us line up in different "corrals" depending on how fast we can/will run. I lined up at the 9 - 11 minute corral. Many people in front of me started walking and had no desire to go fast. It was very frustrating because they should have been in the back so people could run. My time would have been at least 2 minutes faster. Even more important someone could have gotten hurt with little kids walking with their mothers.
Little kids walking in front of the pack of runners
These families were great to do this together. They walk hand in hand sometimes with three or four across. Sometimes I couldn't get around them for a few seconds. At times I had to run on the streetcar tracks where the pavement is so rough I couldn't run on it for very long. It was so bad a motorcycle cop had to sit on the tracks to tell runners to get off. I wish people would be smart about why they have certain rules.
Who is this guy?
Towards the end I ran past this guy in blue jeans and a long sleeve shirt. He didn't have a number so I know he wasn't one of the race runners. I think he just saw us all running so thought he would join us. He was fun to watch until he passed me and I knew I was slacking off.
Finish line!
In the end we ran into ATT Park where the San Francisco Giants play. That was fun. I enjoyed browsing around the outfield and then taking pictures from home plate of the view the ball players have when they are up to bat!
Go Giants!!

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