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Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Affordable Care Act (Obamacare)

I'm still trying to figure out where they get the name for the Affordable Care Act. It hasn't directly affected me yet, but it will next year when companies are required to fall under it for their employees. At first I was concerned because the national government was going to require everyone to buy health care insurance. Then I didn't think it would really affect people because they could pay around $90 not to do that. Then I was concerned because people's present health insurance was being discontinued and people were losing their insurance. I was first made aware of this when my daughter came home from the doctor and they told her our insurance was being discontinued in January. I was reassured that wasn't going to happen by my company. What I don't understand about the new insurance law is that premiums for most people will be going up, almost doubling. I don't understand how that falls under the affordable care act. Then I found out that deductibles will be going up, sometimes up to $4000 before the insurance kicks in. I don't understand how that falls under the affordable care act. People praise it because it allows children to be under their parents plans until they are 26, but the way the country is supposed to be paying for the people that can't afford health care is to have the young pay into the system and not get sick as much. But, if they are covered by their parent's insurance then they don't need to pay into the system. I still don't understand how that is affordable. I have been a small business owner and was without health insurance until my kids were born, and then I did substituting work so I could come under their health insurance plan. I don't know what I would do now. I couldn't afford the price of the insurance plus the deductible, but I could afford the $90 for not having insurance. I get frustanted that many people that support the new law are under 30 and have decided that paying $90 is much better than paying $500 a month plus $4000 deductable. It is like the old catastrophic insurance that used to be cheap and people got with a high deductable in case they got into real problems. THIS IS CRAZY! It isn't affordable.
President Obama will b remembered for his changes to the health care system of the nation. I guess that will not be a good legacy. I'm just glad he is president now because if anyone else was president they would be taking the blame for all the problems and President Obama can't blame anyone but himself.

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