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Friday, January 17, 2014

Second day ... all day at sea

My cell phone doesn’t know what time it is! As soon as we left port the phone jumped to a weird time and hasn’t figured out what day or time it is since. Since I use my cell phone as my alarm clock I wake up when I wake up and check my watch and get up if I want. On Thursday, which is the second day, I woke up and got up at 7 and then went to the gym. Everyone thinks I have been going to the gym often, but the truth is I have only been once or twice this month. One of the things the man said when we toured the ship was the average person on a cruise gains 1 pound a day. I will be on this cruise for 15 days and I don’t want to gain 15 pounds, so I will try to go to the gym once a day. First day at sea, success! At the gym I don’t do much. I usually try to run on the treadmill one or two miles. I’m sure that I should do more and run further, but I do what I do and I know if I push it too much I won’t do that. So, this cruise I will try to do a little more each day. Most important is I go to the gym. After running a mile and a half I showered and went to eat. I saw David and we had breakfast together. I then went to the informational talk about the excursions we can do. I am hesitant to go the talks now because it is 90% trying to get me to buy something and I don’t want that. This talk was nice and lots of interesting pictures. The one thing I found out was the excursions I chose are really the ones I would want to go on. I don’t like days at sea. It is boring. Everyone talks about how good the food is and how restful it is, but I can’t just eat and restful isn’t fun for me. (I keep thinking about one pound of weight gain a day) There was a Windows 8 class on how to keep your pictures filed so you can find them so I sat in on it. I didn’t like the teacher and wanted to give her suggestions on her teaching style, but that would cause me stress so I just played around on the computer while she was talking, which probably gave her stress ;). Everything here is too short. Each class is like an overview and then they don’t teach the next step. Maybe I need to relax and not worry and that is why I am sitting out by the pool writing this now. Then came lunch. The food is good, but the service is very slow and I feel like I am waiting in lines for everything, which increases that stress thing. I don’t really care what I eat so I just go where ever there is a short line. Now problem with me and reduces my stress. After lunch I took a nap. When I don’t run I don’t sleep good and since I ran in the morning I was able to sleep during a nap. I got up and went to play trivia with Sue, Mike, Betsy, and Davis. We did ok, found out what a kidney doctor was called and got reminded what the 4 railroads on Monopoly were (we forgot Short Line). I also realized I had forgotten the 5 oceans, I didn’t remember Antarctic Ocean. Went back to dress for dinner and finally found my mother. She had been playing bridge all day and then walked a mile around the ship (4 times around the 6th deck. We all wore formal wear to dinner, one of the four nights to do that, and went to eat. Since our dinner was late we went to sit on the show before dinner rather than after dinner. It was a Broadway song and dance thing and one of the performers was sick. We kept trying to figure out what was missing. It was an ok show, but not really something I would have paid money to go to. My mom said the shows were the highlight of the cruise for her so I “enjoyed” it because she did. I guess it was nice that we were all dressed up. Each of the family members is here for a different reason. My mom wants to cruise and this is fun for her. Sue wants to spend time with the family and is disappointed that we don’t spend more time together. Betsy likes to cruise and do all the stuff on board. I’m here because they want me here and I look forward to the excursions. Hopefully we will all get out of this what we were hoping to get. The overall thing that will come out of this is the family spends some time together. I haven’t spent this much time with family since I left California to join the Army after college. After the show we were a still little early for dinner and I sat in on another trivia game.  By this time I was up to 4 drinks and had another at dinner. Dinner was good and I kept trying to figure out why the server wanted us to get bottled water to take back to our rooms with us. It is strange. After dinner I went up to the nightclubs to see what was going on and get another drink. There was no one there that I was really interested in and so I went to the internet café and put on yesterday’s blog and said hi to a couple of people. I went in to the casino and watched some lady win hundreds of dollars so sat down at the table and she started losing and do did I. I got another drink and sat in on the movie. Even after 7 or 8 drinks the movie was terrible and I went to bed around midnight. We changed time zones again which turns out to be once a day. I have had more drinks on this cruise than I did all of last year. I was worried about gaining weight, but I have lost 3 pounds in 2 days. Maybe I have found the ideal diet for me, the more I drink the more weight I lose. Or maybe it is the healthier I eat the more weight I lose, take your choice.

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