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Thursday, July 23, 2015

Soldiers don't need to carry guns

I work with California National Guard recruiters. A few days ago recruiters were shot at during work and other military members were shot at their duty station. The National Guard can do things other services can't because it is decided by the state what to do. Some states had their recruiters start to carry guns. This isn't really smart because then you have nervous people walking around with guns. It is also hard to get schools to accept the recruiters that might be carrying guns. It would feel uncomfortable to talk to a recruiter about a job when they are carrying guns.
Can you imagine sitting with a recruiter and talking about future jobs and he puts his gun on the table and says, "You DO want to join the military, don't you?" HAHA it makes me laugh just to write that. Yesterday I was at the headquarters for the recruiters and asked them if California was planning on changing anything for recruiters. We already have all the buildings locked and we have been worrying about safety. Today I went to a recruiter office and they were not in uniform. The were wearing civilian clothes, one was wearing blue jeans.
artist adding paint to a Thomas Kinkade painting
Instead of arming themselves the California recruiters are camouflaging themselves. They are blending in with their surroundings. They still get their job done, they just aren't moving targets or radical people. When the units get together they wear uniforms, when there is a meeting they wear uniforms, but, when an individual recruiter is walking out on the street they don't wave the red flag in front of the enemy and invite trouble. The only place I predict we will have trouble is San Francisco. The San Francisco Unified School District doesn't allow recruiters on high school campus unless their wear a uniform.
Sitting around Carmel
 In the next few days I will go get permission for an exception to policy. We never know what San Francisco will do so we will not try to predict.
boots for all occasions

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