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Saturday, July 25, 2015

Shootings in movies

Sarah in Homecoming Court
These days there are many mass killings. Is this a new phenomenon or is it just being reported more? The latest one was a 59 year old man was watching a movie and then stood up and just shot the other movie goers. Last week was a man that shot at a recruiter's office then went into a building and shot military people in uniform. The first one of these I can remember was Columbine where some high school students went to their school and shot other students and teachers. But, when I heard about that I also heard that it often happened in other schools it just wasn't reported because it wasn't so rare.
Homecoming Float
That is the problem, I don't know if this is a new thing or if it is just getting more press now. I don't know anyone that changes their habits or daily activity because of these shootings. We always think it will happen to someone else and somewhere else. I think a few years ago it happened around here, but I still don't ever think about it. You wonder what you would do if you were in such a situation. I was never around a shooting, but when I was in college I got into a situation where some people attacked the people I was with and I had to decide what to do. If I was around a shooting I don't know what I would do either.
High school football game
I went into a gas station to pay for the gas and when I turned around the two people in the car I was riding in were on the ground being kicked. The other people in the store had called the police and told me I shouldn't go out. I was thinking of going out, but I knew I couldn't have done anything to help except also gotten kicked. The police came quickly, within 1 minute so I didn't have long to contemplate. I was so upset, still upset, and they just got beat up. What if there was shooting? The people got killed are not the only one's hurt in this situation. Everyone in the area will always wonder if they did the right thing!

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