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Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Don't make decisions before you have to make decisions

I'm going to change jobs soon. I don't know what job I will have in the future, but I know there will be choices I have to make. My present job is going ok. I was out of work for 62 days and then I started back to work doing the same thing I have been doing for the past 6 years. I enjoy my job, but I don't get paid enough and don't have any respect. I have a feeling that the contract won't be renewed and I would like to move on while it is my decision rather than having to take a job because I don't have one.
A few weeks ago I got a call from an old student who is now in Thailand and got a lead on a job working for the government there. They need someone to head up the English language teaching in their province. They want someone to manage the English teachers that work in the variety of schools. The job sounds wonderful, but I don't have any specifics yet and don't know the pay scale they are thinking about. The money is being allocated and plans are being made. Would I want a job designed to build a teacher center from the ground up?
Yesterday I got an email:
Hi Scott,
I saw your resume on Monster.  I am working on a full-time Center Director / Education Director position for a client in rural Pennsylvania.
 Would you consider a dual Center Director & Education Director role for a small liberal arts college?  The position is a blend of operation leadership and education.
 John Meurer 
 It made me think of my "dream job". For the past few years when people asked me what my dream job was I said I wanted to set up an ESL school in a rural area where the students would go to class for a few hours each day and then do jobs or activities dealing with normal Americans. This job seems like it is sort of like that. In addition they want me to teach TESL (Teaching ESL) to native speakers to go overseas. 
I don't need a job. I have a job that gives me satisfaction and I enjoy doing. I have a job that I am very good at and keeps me busy. I would like to get a better job, but I don't need to. I would like to get a job that pays me what I'm worth and helps develop my skills and is challenging, But I don't need to. If I'm offered both of these jobs which would I take? If I'm offered only one of these jobs, would I take it? I'm not sure. In addition to these job offers I have someone that has shown interest in buying my home and I will be selling that in mid-January. That way I don't have an anchor to keep me here. My youngest daughter is away to college and my other two are in Asia teaching so I don't have a reason not to go do what I want to do. I won't make any decision before I have to make a decision, but I am open to making changes in my life!!


  1. Congratulations on the opportunities that have become available to you. Whatever you decide, I'm selfishly hoping you will continue to write about your experiences here in your blog.

  2. Forgot to ask...where were the pictures of the gazebo and the church taken? Thanks.

  3. Gazebo and Church in Jamestown, CA ... near the Yosemite entrance. I stay at a small hotel there (with 9 rooms) once or twice a year and love to take pictures there.
