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Monday, December 2, 2013

Dark and Lonely Highway

Where I was supposed to go, 5 hours and 300 miles
Today I was supposed to be traveling all day. That was pretty much all I was doing, and gentle 5 hour, 300 mile, drive through some of the most beautiful parts of California. I was going to stop and take tons of pictures in the redwoods. This is the trip I wanted to take a very special person in September, but we couldn't. So, I was going to take the pictures to show her what I wanted to show her. I left around 10 and was going to get there at 3. I thought I would make one stop on the way so I stopped off at an office I work with. No problem, I stayed there for 30 minutes and then took off towards San Francisco and it was no stress since I was there around 11. Then I got a call that changed everything! One man got tied up and couldn't make his appointment so he asked me to help him out. He needed me to make a "little" detour, 150 miles, and I could barely get there if I left then. I made a turn and started going east instead of north. I drove to the school he asked me to go and got there 5 minutes before I was supposed to meet the students.
Where I DID go today, 9 hours and 450 miles
I got to the school and instead of meeting with 25 students only 3 showed up, and they were in a hurry. Because I had thought I was only driving today I was wearing jeans so after the call I had to change into my uniform of slacks, shirt and tie. After the school I got back on the road and now the GPS told me I would be getting to my destination around 7. I got to Clear Lake and the sun was going down. I put my tennis shoes back on and drove on. I stopped for gas and got a coke and proceeded. My no stress day was turning into BIG stress. As I drove I was getting phone calls, using my blue tooth, about problems in 2 other schools tomorrow and Wednesday. I was trying to handle those problems as I navigated through the hills and narrow roads that I had to go through because of the detour. After the sun went down I was driving on the freeway which turned into one lane each way and no lights and no towns for 50 or 60 miles. Total darkness plus a blanket of fog, then it started to sprinkle a little so the road was a little wet.
I did get to my destination safely. An hour and a half later my heart is still pounding and my hands are shaking. I will go out for a little exercise after I finish writing this so I can sleep tonight. Tomorrow I am hoping for my stressless day and many pictures. I'm sure you will read about it!

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