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Thursday, June 16, 2011

Second day of Diet ...

Today I really watched what I ate. I ate an apple, had 2 turkey burgers with catsup, and 3 pieces of skinless chicken. I drank a couple of glasses of water, and a couple of Diet Dr. Peppers. I guess the big thing about today was going to the gym twice. I will try to keep that up, going in the morning and then in the evening. I don't do much at the gym, just go on the elliptical for 20 - 25 minutes, but that is more than I have done in the past. I will work up to 30 minutes and eventually 45, and start lifting weights. I keep remembering what Nancy told me many years ago, "Do what you will do, and don't do what you won't do!" Right now I am struggling, and the most important thing is that I keep it up. I started at 199 yesterday and today at the same time and wearing the same clothes I was at 196. I CAN DO IT!!

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