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Thursday, June 26, 2014

Prayers bring rewards

tried my hand at photography this year
A few months ago I thought I would be out of a job on July 22. A friend told me I needed to do two things. She told me to be very proactive about looking for a job and go to church. She said she would pray for me. Since then I have gone to church every Sunday I could and many other people said they would pray for me. I have prayed every day for God to help me and let me know what he wants me to do. I have had a few emails and phone calls about jobs from my resume on Monster and that has given me some hope. I thought there was no chance of me keeping my job and started wrapping up this job. In May I took one of my bosses with me on a busy day. We went to one school in Sacramento, where she works, and then went to Napa which was about an hour and a half drive. During out time together I was able to describe to her the intricacies of my job and help me realize how much I did for the National Guard.
Church in Chester
She also saw what an asset I am to the educational community in California. During out time together, and ever since she made the comment that she doesn't know how can not stay in my position. After working with me she went to Southern California and worked with the man that does my job down there. She was determined to find a way to keep us in California.
Big Sur coast
The contracting company I work for sent her an email telling her how to request money from the federal government to keep the people in California that do my job. She requested the money and I was skeptical about my job and didn't want to believe that this will change the chances of my job. Yesterday I received a call from my coworker in Southern California, who is the coordinator in California, that the money had been sent to California and it looked like they were going to keep us. My first question is whether we will keep the same pay. Last time we worked for California rather than a national contract we had a 20% raise.
Woodcarvings in Salinas
In the past when I have changed from federal to state I have been out of a job for a month. The company has tried to make this transition quick and smooth, but there are a couple of things that have to happen for the change.
tree house
I want to say thanks to the people that prayed for me because I truly think that was a big reason my job was saved. Now I have time to look for another job if I decide to change jobs. I am getting tired of this stress of losing my job every year.

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