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Sunday, May 13, 2012


What a strong word. I have gained people's trust and lost it. I think we need to be trusted and we need to trust people. How do you gain trust and once you lose it can you get it back. To get someones trust I think it depends on the person. Some people are like me and naturally trust everyone, to get my trust is easy and to lose it is hard. I trust everyone, I think that makes me a compassionate person, but also makes me not such a strong leader. It makes me very vulnerable, but resilient. Maybe that is why I am chosen to do the things I do, to keep trying and not lose my positive view of people. I have been tested many times and I get "down", but I always come back. Sometimes I like my way and sometimes I don't. I often feel I am too trusting and I often get yelled at by people that don't trust as much as I do. Some people are like my daughter and other people in my family that never trust anyone. I have a lot of respect for that style, I know that they have a good heart and want to do the right thing, and chances are they will be successful at what they do. They have a different way to do things than I do. It isn't right or wrong, it is just a different way to do things.

How do you gain the trust of someone that isn't trusting? I think you need to have a connection with them or with someone that has a connection with them. And once you get that trust you have to do a lot to lose it. Sometimes we don't understand the other type of trusting, but I think you don't need to understand it, just need to realize it isn't good or bad ... just different. I like trusting people and will continue trusting people. Sometimes good comes from it, and sometimes bad.

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